Weakness is the Way Part II

with Joe Novenson

This recording is from Weakness is the Way Part II, an event hosted by pastor Joe Novenson, a group of retired pastors, and the Chattanooga House of Prayer in November 2021. The desire of this event was for experienced pastors to share a wealth of ministry experience, mistakes, and wisdom to the next generation of pastors and ministry leaders in Chattanooga.

Pray Chattanooga

with Kevin Palau

At a Pray Chattanooga meeting in 2019, Kevin Palau tells the story of what has happened in Portland, Oregon and what a city can accomplish when the churches are unified. Find Kevin’s book in our recommended literature

Spiritual Direction or Counseling?

with Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.

Learn the distinction between spiritual direction and counseling.

The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Awakening

with J Edwin Orr

We readily admit this video is old, but the content is outstanding and considered a classic presentation on the power of unified prayer.